Some guidelines on what to expect when you drop your boat in the water is always helpful. Many mariners considering buying a home often ask how long a boat ride is it to various locations. Weather and water conditions always dictate how fast you can go and we all have a different idea of what is a safe speed. Different watercraft will handle the seas differently than others and rarely do you ever go a constant speed for too long without changing the throttle, adjusting your trim or trim tabs.
As a general guideline, using one of my smaller boats (18’ flats skiff with 150hp motor) here are some approximate times. These times obviously do not count the time it takes to exit the canal.
- From the general Punta Gorda Isles area to Boca Grande Pass- 30-45 minutes
- From the general Punta Gorda Isles area to North Captiva- 50-70 minutes
- From Pirate Harbor to Boca Grande Pass- 17 to 20 minutes (this is approximately 11 miles)
- From Pirate Harbor to Useppa Island- 20-25 minutes